• Splashgirl_More human
  • Produktbilde-22-Splashgirl
  • Produktbilde-vinyl-3-Splashgirl

More Human – Splashgirl

01. Leaner / 02. Taphead / 03. Landfiller / 04. More Human / 05. Afterlife Like / 06more…. Enthropist

Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe: voice, modular synthesizer // Jo Berger Myhre: double bass, Simmons SDS8, electronics // Andreas Vold Løwe: grand piano, Hammond A100, UDO Super 6, Sequential Prophet 5, electronics // Andreas Lønmo Knudsrød: drums, percussion, Moog DFAM, Korg Volca Beats, electronics

(Norsk) “More Human” er det et syvende albumet fra Splashgirl, et samarbeid med sanger/lydkunstner Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe og produsent Randall Dunn. Albumtittelen “More Human” utforsker menneskets plass i et samfunn som i stadig større grad er prisgitt teknologi, hvor kunstnere allerede møter direkte konkurranse fra kunstig intelligens.

kr 179

Clear selection

The seventh album from Splashgirl, “More Human” is made in collaboration with singer/sound artist Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, and producer Randall Dunn. The album title, “More Human”, explores the role of humanity in a society increasingly reliant on technology, where artists face direct competition from artificial intelligence.

Andreas Lønmo Knudsrød |Jo Berger Myhre

Release date:

EAN : 7033662026609, 7033661036609


Priskategori : CD, LP