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Salmesykkel – Moskus

ANJA LAUVDAL, FREDRIK LUHR DIETRICHSON, HANS HULBÆKMO: Salmesykkel · Kloster · Bibelbeltet · Når det regne på presten dryp det på klokkarn · Farlig norsk hengebru · Dagen derpå og veien tellbaksjatt · Ville Vesten · Snorres Saga ·more… Moskus ·

Moskus: Anja Lauvdal: piano · Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson: double bass · Hans Hulbækmo: drums

(Norsk) Bandet har sine musikalske røtter godt plantet i veldrenert kammerjazz-jord, men henter næring fra alt fra salmer til Ivo Caprino, fra Paul- og Carla Bleys musikk til nattlige skiturer på Dovrefjell, fra postrock, franske pannekaker og gospel.

kr 139

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Exciting debut album Hubro is proud to present the debut recording of the exceptionally talented young piano trio Moskus. The musical roots of the group are firmly planted in the fertile earth of chamber jazz, but have been nourished by everything from hymns to the films of Ivo Caprino, from the music of Paul and Carla Bley to late-night skiing trips in the mountains, from post-rock to French pancakes and gospel. Pianist Anja Lauvdal, bass player Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson and drummer Hans Hulbækmo are all in their early twenties, and have been part of the creative milieu in the Jazz Department of the Trondheim Conservatory of Music. Anja and Hans have already made a name for themselves as part of the critically acclaimed rock bands Your Headlights are On and The Avalanche/Snøskred. In 2011 Moskus was the first jazz band to win Grappa Record Company’s annual “Debut Artist Award”.


Hubro is proud to present the debut recording of the exceptionally talented young piano trio Moskus. The musical roots of the group are firmly planted in the fertile earth of chamber jazz, but have been nourished by everything from hymns to the films of Ivo Caprino, from the music of Paul and Carla Bley to late-night skiing trips in the mountains, from post-rock to French pancakes and gospel.

Mature and youthful

Moskus combines a personal and mature mode of expression, normally found among much older musicians, with youthful energy and unprejudiced openness. The band has a dynamic presence, alternating effortlessly between uninhibited playfulness and introspective solemnity, between free improvisation and composed material. The three members of the group function as equals, and they all contribute as composers


The album “Salmesykkel” (“Hymn Bicycle”, referring to the harmonium/reed organ/ pump organ) was recorded in January 2012 at the legendary Atlantis Grammofon Studio, one of the oldest studios in Stockholm, with technician Micke Herrström.

Anja Lauvdal |Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson |Hans Hulbækmo

Release date:

EAN : 7033662025183

Cat.No.: HUBROCD2518-2

Priskategori : CD