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Trondheim Jazz Orchestra with Sofia Järnberg & Olav Luksengård Mjelva – Trondheim Jazz Orchestra

01 Den lunefulle / Den eldste / Langaakeren 11:51
02 Pols etter Marta-Johannes 06:56
03 Den som rulla etter golvet 09:51
04 Skøren 08:11
05 Fuggelen 08:13
06 Københavneren 05:02

All compositions trad., except ”Den Lunefulle”, composed by Sevat Sataøen.
Arrangements by Sofia Jernberg (1, 5, 6), Alexander Zethson (2, 4) and Lene Grenager (3).

Olav Luksengård Mjelva Hardanger fiddle, Violin · Sofia Jernberg Vocals · Jens Linell Drums & Percussions · Tor Haugerud Drums & Percussions . Alexander Zethson Piano · Ole Morten Vågan Bass · Lucy Railton Cello · Kari Rønnekleiv Violin, Hardangerfiddle · Eivind Lønning Trumpet · Espen Reinertsen Saxophones, Bass Clarinet · Eirik Hegdal Saxophones, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet

A quiet explosion of feelgood music making

kr 139

Jazz ensemble music based on the solistic Hardanger fiddle

The jazz vocalist, band leader and composer Sofia Jernberg met Olav Luksengård Mjelva in 2009 and was immediately seduced by the Hardanger fiddle tradition and the traditional music. This marks the start of a long and challenging project. Jazznytt (NO) calls the album: “a quiet explosion of feelgood music making, you can almost hear the smile of the musicians when they stomp the asymmetrical rhythms.”


Solistic Hardanger fiddle in the centre of a big jazz ensemble

Contributing to this feelgood music we have the renowned and versatile Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. The project is based on enlarging the richness of details in the solistic Hardanger fiddle tradition, which traditionally has been the most usual way to use the instrument. The big ensemble works as a magnifying glass where they search for the details, mixing them up, throwing them around, and evaluating. With Olav and the Hardanger fiddle in the centre.

Alongside Trondheim Jazz Orchestra, Alexander Zethson and Lene Grenager is a part of the team, and have arranged several tunes. The rest is arranged by Sofia herself.

The album was recorded in 2014, and the ensemble has done several concerts together. The project premiered at Vozzjazz in 2012, they played at Riksscenen and Umeå Jazz festival in 2013, and later played at Stockholm Jazz Festival in 2014.

Olav Mjelva |Sofia Järnberg |Trad. |Trondheim Jazz Orchestra

Release date:

EAN : 7033662073429

Cat.No.: HCD7342

Priskategori : CD