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Svevestøv – Svarteper

HERMAN KVELPRUD: Jånni · Metroseksuell · Skeiv? · Du & Eg & Kong Alkohol · Loffarblues · Gorilla i Mitt Bur · Kemnaren · Stå eller gå · Langt frå Byens Kalde Stål · Madelene · Ein Annan Manns Sko ·more… Solskinnsvalsen

SVARTEPER: Herman Kvelprud · Tobias Flottorp Heltzer · Lars Jonas Bergo · Terje Vesterøy · Arne Steinar Myrvang

SVARTEPER sounds like folksinger Stein Torleif Bjella on a metrosexual magic mushroom trip in the big city, with Daniel Kvammen’s youthful courage, diving deep into the old record collection of Hellbillies.

kr 139

Five well-travelled country boys.

This rural band puts on a merry, no-holds-barred ruckus, with an approving nod to old musical heroes, when they plow through the folksongs of Herman Kvelprud, a country boy from the wild west of Ål, Hallingdal. An eremite writing pseudopersonal songs from a colorful young life lived, either from the time as a country road bum or from his meeting with the turbulent life of the city. The lyrics are a two-way mirror where the observations makes the audience blush when he sings of Oslo, the many temptations of the cities night life and the juggling of ones own sexuality to capture the happiness in romance. The quiet truths of life are remorselessly served with spiritual subtexts and psychedelic overtones by a well-oiled band consisting of five well-travelled country boys with slight debris in the machinery.

Anders Hefre |Arne Steinar Myrvang |Bård Ingebrigtsen |Erik Sollid |Erlend Lehland |Herman Kvelprud |Johan Sigmundstad |Lars Jonas Bergo |Magnus Larsen |Marius Graff |SVARTEPER |Terje Vesterøy |Tobias Flottorp Heltzer |Tor Egil Kreken |Tuva Livsdatter Syvertsen

Release date:

EAN : 7033662073108

Cat.No.: HCD7310

Priskategori : CD