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Kimer I klokker – julefolketoner fra Nordland – Susanne Lundeng

TRAD. : Gud einast Gud · Kimer I klokker · Christi nåderige fødsel · Maria besøkelsestid · Et barn er født i Betlehem · Maria brudesmykke · Mitt hjerte alltid vanker · I denne søte juletid · Saligheten er oss nær · Fra himlen høytmore… · Akk Fader · Gamle året · Et lite barn så lystelig · SUSANNE LUNDENG, TRAD. : No koma Guds englar

Susanne Lundeng: vocals, fiddle · Nils-Olav Johansen: guitar · Bjørn Andor Drage: organ

Award winning Susanne Lundeng out with an original Christmas album

kr 139

Tradtional Christmas songs from Northern Norway

Northern Norway’s most celebrated fiddler, Susanne Lundeng releases her first Christmas album this November. Always with the traditional tunes from her home area as inspiration, Susanne has developed her own unique style over the years. She is known for her raw and at the same time sensible style- much like the Northern Norwegian nature’s temperament. This time she is basing her album on traditional Christmas psalms from her home place, ending up somewhere in the landscape between jazz and folk. Joining her on this album: Bjørn Andor Drage, organ and Nils-Olav Johansen, guitar and vocals.

Bjørn Andor Drage |Susanne Lundeng |Trad.

Release date:

EAN : 7033662073498

Cat.No.: HCD7349

Priskategori : CD