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Flukt – Sagene Ring

1. Leo går i trappen
2. På veien igjen
3. Kostas Pinteris
4. Nede på stranden
5. Sambujang
6. Sjåføren
7. Forbudte drømmer
8. Trandum
9. Hjemme er der hvor du er trygg
10. Auberginer og Squash
11. De kom inn i rommet med skoene på
12. Jul på Sagene

ERIK FOSSE: sang, gitar og munnspill - PETTER UDLAND JOHANSEN: sang, fele og mandolin - PER MARTINSEN: sang og kontrabass - SVEINUNG LILLEHEIER: gitarer, dobro og santur - TROND NAGELL DAHL: trekkspill, piano og orgel - ARNFINN BERGRABB: slagverk - ARIANNA SAVALL: harpe (spor 1)

Sagene Ring har alltid skrevet musikk som tar utgangspunkt i den virkelige verden. Bak hver låt ligger det en sann historie, og på dette albumet fortelles det om flyktningene som reiser over Middelhavet og prøver å bygge et nytt liv i Europa og i Norge. For Sagene Ring er det viktig at musikken kan brukes til å formidle dagsaktuelle temaer, som på denne platen omhandler flyktningsproblematikken.

kr 139

Sagene Ring is an urban folk trio that writes music based on real-world events. A true story is found in each song, and this album tells the stories of the refugees who travel across the Mediterranean, trying to build a new life in Europe and Norway. For Sagene Ring, music is an important tool that can be used to convey relevant issues of today, which on this album deals with the refugee crisis.


Real stories

Erik Fosse has written all the songs which are based on his own experiences from working as a doctor with refugees in several countries, especially in the Middle East. The songs are written with respect and admiration for the people who had to give up their life in the place they grew up and started a new life in a foreign culture. They risk a lot to create a future for themselves and their family. Many of them also risk their life.

The songs are based on individuals’ own stories and interviews in different media. Many of these interviews are found in TV shows produced by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK), who made multiple programs concerning people on the run. The lyrics of «Leo går i trappen», «Kostas Pinteris», «Sambujang», «Sjåføren», «Forbudte drømmer» and «Hjemme er der hvor du er trygg» are based on the TV show “Flukt” from 2017, hosted by Leo Ajkic. Likewise, the lyrics of «Trandum» are based on the TV program «Helene sjekker inn», shown on NRK in 2017. This concerns Trandum Camp, a Norwegian institution intended for asylum seekers who have had their applications rejected. The lyrics of «Auberginer og Squash» are based on interviews and stories in the Program «Ceuta i Marokko» from the TV show «Mediterranean», produced by BBC and shown on NRK in 2019 with Simon Reeve as a host. The lyrics of «De kom inn i rommet med skoene på» are based on a repost in Lofotposten in 2019 about Ahmad Charafeddine and his family.

Sagene Ring

Sagene Ring was established in 1988 and consists of Erik Fosse (vocal, guitar, and harmonica), Petter Udland Johansen (vocal, mandolin, and fiddle), and Per David Martinsen (vocal, chorus, and double bass). The band released their first album called «Rett opp fra elva» in 1997, second album «Sporskift» in 2000, «Nattas fløyel blir til stål» in 2013, and now their fourth album called «Flukt» in 2021. All of the albums are released on the folk music label, Heilo. Musicians like Sveinung Lilleheier (guitars, dobro, and sandur), Trond Nagell Dahl (accordion, piano, and organ), Arnfinn Bergrabb (percussion), and Arianna Savall (harp on track 1) are also participating in this album. 

Erik Fosse |Petter Udland Johansen

Release date:

EAN : 7033662073689

Cat.No.: HCD7368

Priskategori : CD