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  • Blåmann signert
  • Blåmann_Blåmann_LP_Gatefold_7mm.indd

Blåmann Blåmann (Reutgivelse) SIGNERT! – Blåmann Blåmann

1. Tippe tippe tuve
2. Tjønnbergen
3. Storebroer og lillebroer
4. Trollspringar
5. Trollhalling
6. Skuldalsbruri
7. Langåkeren
8. På Dovrefjell
9. Tukthusen
10. Helga Djuviken
11. Gøytilsjenta
12. Myllarens siste springar
13. Målfrid mi fruve
14. Margit Hjukse
15. Møsstrondsfenta og Halling etter Embrik Beitohaugen
16. Liti Kjersti
17. Sigurd Jondalen
18. Nøringen og Fanteguten

Blåmann Blåmann: Lars Underdal: hardingfele, feler, vokal • Odd Nordstoga: vokal, gitar, trekkspill • Asgaut Bakken: gitar, vokal • Silje Hegg: fløyter, vokal • Medvirkende: Marius Reksjø: kontrabass • Tor Bjarne Bjelland: perkusjon

(Norsk) 20 år etter det legendariske albumet kom ut, feirast det med reutgivelse i nymiks og med ekstraspor, i ei innhaldsrik innpakning, på dobbel vinyl.  

kr 139

Clear selection
Genre: Folkemusikk

In 1997, four young folk musicians met for rehearsals in an old house in Vinje. Lars Underdal (25), Odd Nordstoga (24), Asgaut Bakken (23) and Silje Hegg (21). This was the start of the folk music band called «Blåmann Blåmann» and five years of fun, partying, grumpiness, music, laughter, singing and chaos.  


The success started with them being sent to Germany to advertise Norway as a destination. When they returned home after the tour in Northern Germany, more people wanted to hear them playing. At first sporadically, but eventually it became continuous with school concerts and festivals, TV, radio and several concerts abroad. They decided to release a record, where the first track «Tippe tippe tuve» went to the top of «Norsktoppen» (a radio program on the Norwegian Broadcasting radio).

With their inventive approach to traditional music, they made this music available to more listeners. They adapted the local solo tradition of folk music into a more modern band format by, among other thing, adding chords. Ideas and implementation were well received, and the audience flocked to the venues they were playing. But after five years of concerts for packed and half-full houses at home and abroad, it came to an abrupt end. Silje started on a master´s degree, Lars got a stress suitcase job, Asgaut got a culture job and Odd became a pop star. Today he is one of Norway´s most popular artists and has written several songs that stand as pillars in Norwegian music history.

With its humorous and energetic stage performances and with the release of Blåmann Blåmann, the group has built up a big name in the Norwegian folk music scene and has become known as an important innovator of Norwegian folk music. 

It is now 20 years since the album «Blåmann Blåmann» was released, which we celebrate with a remastered version, five new tracks on a double vinyl and of course a concert at Rockefeller on the 15th of October! 

Lars Underdal |Marius Reksjø |Odd Nordstoga |Silje Hegg |Tor Bjarne Bjelland

Release date:

EAN : 7033662073801

Cat.No.: HCD7380

Priskategori : CD, LP