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Fretwork – Bjørn Berge

BJØRN BERGE: Crazy Times · These Streets · Fretwork · Skijumper · Endless · Travelling Song · You're So Fine · Paris, BJØRN BERGE, KNUT REIERSRUD: Mountain Boogie, CHARLES BROWN, EDDIE WILLIAMS, JOHNNY D. MOORE: Drifting Blues, CHESTER Amore…. BURNETT: Killing Floor, JOHN BUTLER: Zebra

Bjørn Berge: vocal, 12-string guitar, 6-string guitar, electric guitar, foot stomp, percussion · Vidar Johnsen · Øyvind Staveland · Kjetil Ulland

Pure magic from of one of Norway´s best guitarists.

kr 139

Genre: BluesRock

Bjørn Berge: Fretwork

Fretwork – which simply means working the guitar neck – is Bjørn Berge´s 10th album. And finally he is back with more self-written material. The album is produced by Berge himself and Kjetil "The Wizzard" Ulland. Berge is also accompanied by two prominent guest artists: Øyvind Staveland from VAMP on violin and viola and Vidar Johnsen on vocals. The combination of Staveland´s violin and Berge´s acoustic guitar has given the songs a different kind of atmosphere than, and the album is one of the most diverse Berge has done so far. The songs range from the delicate and instrumental – a short stop by the Delta Blues – to the more energetic expression Bjørn Berge is known for. Since his breakthrough album on Blue Mood / Warner, we have all become aware that Berge is a firework and miracle of a guitarist, with two Norwegian Grammy Awards and over 100 gigs a year!


Bjorn Berge is out with his 10th album – "Fretwork". On this album he’s finally back with an album consisting of original songs.

Instrumental and powerful

The combination of Staveland’s violin and Bjorn Berge’s acoustic guitars has maybe given his songs a wider and more open atmosphere than earlier. The album has everything from gentle instrumental songs, Delta blues, to the more powerful expression that has become a part of Bjorn Berge’s signature.

Bjorn Berge is an acoustic genius. The Norwegian singer can move mountains with his acoustic guitars, he can outplay the hardest metalheads and raise an enormous amount of energy. His repertoire ranges from his own powerful songs to smashing cover versions, which are much more than standard versions of old hits thanks to Berge’s brutish voice and extremely dynamic guitar technique. Although this statement is only partial true: Despite all this, Berge’s music is always catchy and soulful. His concerts are definitely THE acoustic guitar event of this decade.

Bjørn Berge |Charles Brown |Chester A. Burnett |Eddie Williams |John Butler |Johnny D. Moore |Kjetil Ulland |Knut Reiersrud |Øyvind Staveland |Vidar Johnsen

Release date:

EAN : 7033662043217

Cat.No.: GRCD4321

Priskategori : CD