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Olav Kielland: Sinfonia, Villarkorn – Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Olav Kielland: Villarkorn, op.13; Sinfonia Imore…, op.3

Eva Knardahl, piano · Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

As a composer, Olav Kielland has only produced a small amount but it is of sterling quality, with a love for Norwegian folk music discernible in most of his works.

kr 139

Norwegian folk music and neoclassical ideals

As a composer, Olav Kielland has only produced a small amount but it is of sterling quality. His love of Norwegian folk music is discernible in most of his works. In form and texture he can often be identified with neoclassical ideals. On this album one can hear his “Sinfonia 1”, performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the composer himself. Kielland himself said the following about this work: “A flute solo spans across the entire piece, light and redeeming, and through the calm song of the strings a symphony results in harmony. The human element, that was so torn by battles and inner doubt, is calmed and relieved by a cheerful and expectant optimism.” In addition, this album also includes the extraordinary pianist Eva Knardahl´s recording of the entire piano work “Villarkorn”, inspired by the myth of the Villarkorn or “the magic charms which women trolls and hill trolls mix in the drink that they offer the spellbound, the drink that gives the spellbound troll-ears and troll-eyes, in other words, special senses which expand the consciousness to include incomprehensible things,” as the composer himself wrote.

Eva Knardahl |James Burnett |Olav Kielland |Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Release date:

EAN : 7025560312021

Cat.No.: PSC3120

Priskategori : CD