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Fuggel´n – Ingebjør Sørbøen

ASLAK SANDESTØLEN: Heimhaugen, lydarslått · DORDEI HALLINGSTAD: Lusevise · GUNNLAUG LIEN MYHR: Torekallvisa · OLAV SATASLÅTTEN: Riddalskongjin, springar · Livet på Sandehussletten, springar · OLAV SATASLÅTTEN, TRAD. : Fuggel´n, springarmore… · TRAD. : Prillarguri, springar · Kongelåtten, springar · Jeg var en gang trolovet · Sølve-Knut, springar · Skøren, laus · Reiselått frå Nes · Godværsdagen, springar · Rande-Ambjør´, laus · Silde-Per, springar · Reinlender etter Tor Grimsgard · Fanitullen, laus

Ingebjør Sørbøen · Margit Myhr, Arne Moslåtten, Jo Asgeir Lie, Gunn Sølvi Gausemel

Ingebjør Sørbøen – a new star on the Norwegian folk music scene!

kr 139


Ingebjør Sørbøen´s Debut Album

Ingebjør Sørbøen is one of the new stars on the Norwegian folk music scene. "Fuggel´n" (The Bird)is her debut album. It was important for Ingebjør to base this album in her own roots and traditions: She is known for her personal, musical expression, with variations in pace and tone. The album is essentially a solo album, but accomplished musicians like Arne Moslåtten and Jo Asgeir Lie play on several of the tunes while Margit Myhr sings on three of them.

Ingebjør Sørbøen (Hardanger fiddle, fiddle) comes from Hallingdal in Norway, and plays material primarily from Hallingdal. Despite her young age, she has countless gigs behind her in both Norway and abroad. Ingebjør was enrolled into the Ole Bull Academy right after high school, where she has developed her approach to her own musical traditions.

Arne Moslåtten |Aslak Sandestølen |Dordei Hallingstad |Gunn Sølvi Gausemel |Gunnlaug Lien Myhr |Ingebjør Sørbøen |Jo Asgeir Lie |Margit Myhr |Olav Sataslåtten |Trad.