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Sigrid Moldestad: Vere her – Sigrid Moldestad

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Sigrid Moldestad · Sigbjørn Apeland · Anders Bitustøyl · Jørgen Sandvik · Roald Kaldestad · Anders Røine · Kåre Opheim · Anders Hall

It’s a mature, personal and brave artist who now releases her fifth solo album.

kr 139

Sigrid Moldestad – Vere her

It’s a mature, personal and brave artist who now releases her fifth solo album. Sigrid Moldestad has gone from the folk music album ‘Taus’, who received The Norwegian Grammy Award (Spellemannprisen) 2007, through poems by Robert Burns, Jan-Magnus Bruheim, theater and performances, to this time, an even stronger voice from her own pen and heart.
She moves almost seamlessly between several genres, but she always have the folk and traditional music with her. This time she has taken the whole step into a distinctive folk / rock / singer-songwriter album, with her own lyrics and compositions. Producer, Yngve Leidulv Sætre has stretched both Sigrid Moldestad and her band, which sounds rough, sore and new, but still recognizable Moldestad.


Sigrid Moldestad – Vere her

Sigrid Moldestad has gone from the folk music album ‘Taus’, who received The Norwegian Grammy Award (Spellemannprisen) 2007, through poems by Robert Burns, Jan-Magnus Bruheim, theater and performances, to this time, an even stronger voice from her own pen and heart.
She moves almost seamlessly between several genres, but she always have the folk and traditional music with her. This time she has taken the whole step into a distinctive folk / rock / singer-songwriter album, with her own lyrics and compositions. Producer, Yngve Leidulv Sætre has stretched both Sigrid Moldestad and her band, which sounds rough, sore and new, but still recognizable Moldestad.

Anders Bitustøyl |Anders Erik Røine |Anders Hall |Jørgen Sandvik |Kåre Opheim |Roald Kaldestad |Sigbjørn Apeland |Sigrid Moldestad |Yngve Leidulv Sætre

Release date:

EAN : 7033662045679

Cat.No.: GRCD4567

Priskategori : CD