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Norsk Folkemusikk / Norwegian Folk Music 1-10

1. Dei fyrste åra på radio / Early years on the radio · 2. Folkemusikk frå Agder / Folk music from Agder · 3. Folkemusikk frå Hedmark / Folk music from Hedmark · 4. Folkemusikk frå Buskerud / Folk music from Buskerud · 5. Folkemusikk fråmore… Oppland / Folk music from Oppland · 6. Folkemusikk frå Telemark / Folk music from Telemark · 7. Folkemusikk frå Rogaland og Hordaland / Folk music from Rogaland and Hordaland · 8. Folkemusikk frå Sogn og Fjordane / Folk music from Sogn og Fjordane · 9. Folkemusikk frå Trøndelag / Folk music from Trøndelag · 10. Folkemusikk frå Nord-Noreg og Sameland / Folk music from Northern Norway and Sameland

The foremost performers in the tradition of Norwegian folk muisc take part in this 10CD box set with recordings dating from 1934 until 1995. Recordings from the archives of the NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) released on CD for the first time. Produced and edited by Leiv Solberg.

By releasing this collection, NRK and Grappa Musikkforlag want to inspire both performers and audiences by the diversity found in Norwegian folk music.

The ultimate collection of Norwegian folk music

An autstanding collection from the rich archives of the NRK. Recordings of traditional music started in 1934 by Eivind Groven, the first presenter of the ‘Folkemusikkhalvtimen’ on radio from 1931. From 1952, Rolf Myklebust started touring the country for field recordings and today more than 50 000 tunes are secured in the archives. By releasing this collection, NRK and Grappa Musikkforlag want to inspire both performers and audiences by the diversity found in Norwegian folk music.

Leif Solberg is editor and producer of this collection.


Release date:

EAN : 7033662040995

Cat.No.: GRCD4099

Priskategori : CD