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NO – Bjørn Saksgaard

18-hjuling (Saksgård) · Vårsang (Saksgård) · Ætte´ligning (Pomus/Rebennack/Saksgård) · Næst siste mote (Saksgård) · Gammelsko´n (Saksgård) · Totalt frælst (Saksgård) · Sånn e´ det (Kulset/Saksgård) · Kaille Vinda (Saksgård) ·more… Faen dainse (Williams/Spooner/Saksgård) · Den fødte pessimist (Saksgård) · Popdrops (Saksgård) · Blod (Saksgård) · Du, din stut (Theard/Saksgård) · Dumpa (Saksgård) · Somm´gong (Kulset/Saksgård)

Bjørn Saksgård: vocals, acoustic and electric guitars, slide guitar · Bård Svendsen: backing vocals, organ, piano, accordion, melodica · Nils Åge Nonstad: backing vocals, double bass · Dag Erland Kittilsen: drums · Skjalg M. Raaen: banjo, mandolin (track 9), lap steel (track 11) · Andreas Aase: lap steel (track 4), slide guitar (track 6) · Kjell Inge Brovoll: harmonica (track 5) · Oline Sofie Bakkom: fiddle (track 2) · Jon-Pål Inderberg: baryton saxophone (tracks 8 & 12)

New Orleans´ varied musical traditions, the rural life in the mountain village and the modern city life unites on Bjørn Saksgård´s album "No".

Genre: Blues

New Orleans´ musical tradition meets with the rural life of the mountain village of Rugeldal.

2006 was the year when Bjørn Saksgård, originally from Rugeldal north for Røros, definitely took the blues back home. As a ten year old, Saksgård often delivered mail to his more famous neighbour, the writer Johan Falkberget, and as Falkberget, Saksgård has let himself inspire by the life in rural mountain village, often set up against impressions from the modern city life.

However, the musical references are from an entirely different location, from American blues, more particularly New Orlean´s varied musical traditions. On «No» we meet inspirations such as Dr. John and The Meters, both direct and figuratively. The juicy Røros-dialect gives the songs authenticity and meaning, and fits the musical sound as hand in glove! On the album, Saksgård performs with his regular co-musicians Dag Erland Kittelsen on drums, Nils Åge Nonstad on double bass and Bård Svendsen on organ, piano, accordion, melodica, harmonica and guitar.

Bjørn Saksgaard

Release date:

EAN : 7033662061020

Cat.No.: EMCD6102

Priskategori : CD