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Langt sakte tog – Levi Henriksen

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Levi Henriksen, Thomas Mårud, Morten Andreassen, Finn Lilleseth

(Norsk) – Forfatteren og bandet hans har levert sitt mest helhetlige – og beste – album. [5 Dagbladet]

kr 139

Genre: Rock

New Album From Levi Henriksen and Thomas Mårud

Few things are more mythical and sung in rock, country and blues music than the train. The train that takes you along, the train that takes you home, the train that sets your life in motion even though you often do not get farther away than back home again. And while many of the classic themes of rock music in 2012 have something dated about them, the train is timeless. As long as there are people picking up guitars, there will be songs about trains and the lure it has on people who wants to be in a completely different place. On Levi Henriksen and Thomas Mårud´s fourth album, "Long Slow Train", the train is the red thread. "Long Slow Train" is the second album where Henriksen & Mårud have their backing musicians from the band Bra landsens folk (Good Country People). The band name – taken from a short story by the queen of Southern gothic, Flannery O’Connor – says a lot about the attitude of this album when it comes to writing lyrics and thinking about music. The album is recorded in Varalden Samfunnshus, Finnskogen and seeks, like many of the releases by The Band and The Rolling Stones, to dote on a kind of artistic exile, to chisel rock music that is clearly influenced by its environment and the way it was recorded.

Anders Hunstad |Botan Rønhovde |Erik Johannessen |Finn Lilleseth |Karen Therese Ugelvik |Lars-Erik Westby |Levi Henriksen |Morten Andreassen |Ola Welo |Peder Øiseth |Thomas Mårud

Release date:

EAN : 7033662044054

Cat.No.: GRCD4405

Priskategori : CD