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Essays – Music For A While

1. In Haven
2. Sans Frayeur
3. Hör Ich Das Liedchen Klingen

4. Im Wunderschönen Monat Mai
5. Von Ewiger Liebe

6. Lamento Della Ninfa
7. Pur Ti Miro
8. Forêts Paisible
9. Après Un Rêve
10. Mestertyven Arve Brakars halling
11. En Svane
12. Sea-Shell

Tora Augestad, vokal Stian Carstensen, akkordeon, pedal steel gitar & banjo Trygve Brøske, klaver & trøorgel Mathias Eick, trompet Martin Taxt, tuba Pål Hausken, trommer & perkusjon

(Norsk) Ensemblet Music For a While fronter den prisbelønnede og svært allsidige sangeren Tora Augestad og et stjernelag av norske musikere: Stian Carstensen, nominert til Nordisk Råds Musikkpris, 2021, Trygve Brøske, Mathias Eick, Martin Taxt og Pål Hausken. Albumet “Essays” markerer siste plate i en triologi viet sanger fra det klassiske repertoaret. Platen er bandets fjerde studioplate.

kr 179

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With the new release Essays, the ensemble Music for a while continue its journey of interpreting centerpieces of the classical song canon. Together with the albums Graces that refrain (2012) and Canticles of Winter (2014), Essays completes a trilogy dedicated to interpretations of classical music. Essays is the band’s 4th studio album, with songs written over three centuries, between 1614 and 1911, from the baroque masters of Monteverdi, Rameau and Charpentier, to the romantic era of Schumann, Brahms, Grieg and Fauré.

Martin Taxt |Mathias Eick |Pål Hausken |Stian Carstensen |Tora Augestad

Release date:

EAN : 7033662047055

Cat.No.: GRCD4705, GRLP4705

Priskategori : CD, LP