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Tine Thing Helseth: Trumpet concertos by Haydn, Hummel, Neruda and Albinoni – Tine Thing Helseth

JOSEPH HAYDN : Trumpet Concerto in E flat · TOMASO ALBINONI: Concerto in B flat · JOHANN BAPTIST GEORG NERUDA: Trumpet Concerto in E flat · JOHANN NEPOMUK HUMMEL: Trumpet Concerto in more…E flat

Tine Thing Helseth, trumpet · Norwegian Chamber Orchestra · Atle Sponberg, leader · Terje Tønnesen, leader

– plays with an especially beguiling, sweet and shimmering line, nonchalant technical authority and stylish understatement. [The Gramophone]

kr 139

Debut of a trumpet phenomenon

Tine is the foremost of a new generation in the strong tradition of Norwegian performers, which also can boast such names as Ole Edvard Antonsen and Leif Ove Andsnes. Tine Thing Helseth performs these concertos with a natural spontaneity and a unique quality of sound. She interprets Haydn’s trumpet concerto – the very icon among them – with authority and a phenomenal variation of colour in her sound. Not only does Tine make it her own, together with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra she presents a reading that sets a new standard for this concerto. The performances are all captured in transparent and brilliant SACD sound in Jar church, Oslo.


Tine Thing Helseth was born the year Simax released the debut-album of Truls Mørk. At 20, Tine is the foremost of a new generation in the strong tradition of Norwegian performers, which also can boast such names as Ole Edvard Antonsen and Leif Ove Andsnes. Quite frankly; you’ll just have to sit down and listen to this recording.

The classic trumpet concertos – at 20!

Tine Thing Helseth performs these concertos with a natural spontaneity and a unique quality of sound. She interprets Haydn’s trumpet concerto – the very icon among them – with authority and a phenomenal variation of colour in her sound. Not only does Tine make it her own, together with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra she presents a reading that sets a new standard for this concerto. The performances are all captured in transparent and brilliant SACD sound in Jar church, Oslo.

Tine Thing Helseth

Born in 1987, Tine belongs to a new generation of Norwegian soloists and indeed a new generation of brass soloists all together, – perhaps more influenced by the idiom of string players and singers than what used to be the case. Tine’s approach to music is refreshingly focused and straightforward – with an extra touch of artistic magic that reaches everyone who hears her playing. Studies with Arnulf Naur Nilsen (Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra) has further strengthened her natural abilities as a performer and communicator. At the age of 20 Tine Thing Helseth has the best reason in the world for playing and recording these concertos: She makes wonderful music!

Atle Sponberg |Johann Baptist Georg Neruda |Johann Nepomuk Hummel |Joseph Haydn |Jørn Pedersen |Norwegian Chamber Orchestra |Terje Tønnesen |Tine Thing Helseth |Tomaso Albinoni

Release date:

EAN : 7033662012923

Cat.No.: PSC1292

Priskategori : CD