Norwegian violinist Marianne Thorsen (1972) is one of those musicians who magically find the direct route to the heart of the listener.
You find some of the most beautiful music written for violin and piano on this CD. Pianist Håvard Gimse (1966) is attentive to the smallest nuance in Thorsen’s playing, and together they form a duo capable of displaying all the colours and moods found in both Mozart and Lutoslawski. There is a daring honesty to their playing, a quality that is hard to come by these days.
Marianne Thorsen has a very special warmth to her tone, a presence in her playing that brings the listener those few magic centimetres closer to the music. Listen to Prokofiev’s 5 Mélodies, mineatures that encapsulates both musicians and audience in the musical experience. Here’s a musician who has something to say, and knows how to say it.