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Wenche Myhre: 66 – Wenche Myhre

ÅGE ALEKSANDERSEN: Prinsesse smil · Reise med vind · BENNY ANDERSSON, BJÖRN ULVAEUS, TIM RICE: Den jeg ville bli · DAN ATTLERUD, MICHAEL CLAUSS, THOMAS THÖRNHOLM: Alt har en mening nå · FINN LUDT: Vår Herrens klinkekule · GEIR OLAmore…V BØKESTAD, PER KRISTIAN INDREHUS: Du skal få din dag i morgen · HANNE SØRVAAG, KIM EDWARD BERGSETH: Hjertekammer · HARALD ARLEN: Over regnbuen ·
MICHEL SARDOU, PIERRE DELANOE, SALVATORE CUTUGNO: Vi lever · PAUL CURTIS: Du og jeg og vi to · SAXI DOWELL: Har du hørt hisorien om de tre små fisk · SIGURD JANSEN: Vinter og sne · SIGVALD TVEIT: I'm a woman · UDO JÜRGENS, WOLFGANG HOFER: Når jeg blir 66

Wenche Myhre · Anders Eljas · Norwegian Radio Orchestra · Bjørn Kjellemyr · Eivind Aarset · Vegard Johnsen and more...

Wenche Myhre turns 66 on February the 15th, and Grappa Music Label has on this very special occasion the honor of releasing her new album called ”66”.

kr 179

Genre: popSlager

Wenche turns 66!

Wenche Myhre turns 66 on February the 15th, and Grappa Music Label has on this very special occasion the honor of releasing her new album called ”66”.

Wenche Myhre is one of our most beloved norwegian artists, who has managed to reach out and touch an even broader international audience throughout her nearly 60-year long career. Many remember her in tandem with Povel Ramel. Others immediately get a picture of Wenche as a young kinderardengirl with buckets and her rain hat, while the whole Germany – where she’s had superstar status for several decades – smiles and speaks warmly about «Die Wenche». Lastly, we have those who start to hum the huge hit, “Når jeg blir seksogseksti”. Now, when she finally hits the 66 mark, she celebrates this with a big tour, an album release and a biography called “66 – a life without a safety net”, written by Mona Levin. The album “66” contains several of Wenches old hits, but also three new songs.

The very first single from the album (released fall 2012), ”Prinsesse Smil”, is written specially for Wenche from Åge Aleksandersen, and got a 5/6 score from the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, who called the song a ”hymn to the joy of life”. Åge Aleksandersen has additionally written a new version of his own song for Wenche called ”Reise med vind”. Hanne Sørvaag wrote the song "Hjertekammer".

Wenche, once Norway’s first pop star, is today an admired and mature artist – a real entertainer – a word she has the outmost respect for. It encompasses artist, schlager- and folksinger, comedian, film- and theatre actor. The word stands for what once was Myhre’s ultimate goal and dream. Now, when all the dreams have come true a long time ago, new ones are waving in the horizon, although not that far away. Wenche has on-going projects constantly. Her mind shoots off new ideas before the previous ones have had the time to land. She has never stood still, and continues to surprise.


Wenche Myhre turns 66 on February the 15th, and Grappa Music Label has on this very special occasion the honor of releasing her new album called ”66”.


Now, when she finally hits the 66 mark, she celebrates this with a big tour, an album release and a biography called “66 – a life without a safety net”, written by Mona Levin. The new album is a combination of the familiar and dear, together with the newly created, which surely will soon become both known and loved – which is typical for Wenche. The tracks sweep through a long-lasting career. They demonstrate the longevity of the old songs, and show the potential of the new ones.

New songs

In 2011 Wenche Myhre and Åge Aleksandersen met at the rock museum “Rockheim” in Trondheim. Wenche had just bought Åge’s new album, and immediately fell in love with the song “Reise med vind”, which is currently in her new album “66”.

Åge was very surprised when Wenche asked for the approval to sing his song.
“But the song is about death”, he said.
“No, it’s about eternity”, she replied.

Åge thought about it, and offered to write a new version of the text for Wenche. He didn’t stop at that, and composed a new melody for her as well: “Prinsesse Smil”. This became the first single of the new alum, and got the score of 5/6 in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, who called it a “hymn to the joy of life”. The title can stand as a signature describing Wenche Myrhe herself – she is known for her smile and her sparkling blue eyes. No matter what ways life has taken her, Wenches smile maintains its beauty. Her personality spreads joy, and has found its way into countless hearts. This is reflected in the title of the second new song on this album, written by Hanne Sørvaag specially for Wenche, called “Hjerteflimmer”.

A true entertainer

Wenche, once Norways first pop star, is today an admired and mature artist – a real entertainer – a word she has the outmost respect for. It encompasses artist, schlager- and folksinger, comedian, film- and theatre actor. The word stands for what once was Myhre’s ultimate goal and dream. Now, when all the dreams have come true a long time ago, new ones are waving in the horizon, although not that far away. Wenche has on-going projects constantly. Her mind shoots off new ideas before the previous ones have had the time to land. She has never stood still, and continues to surprise.

Åge Aleksandersen |Alexander Pettersen |Anders Eljas |Anders Engen |Andreas Manger |Anne Strengehagen |Benny Andersson |Björn Ulvaeus |Bjørn Kjellemyr |Børge Pettersen Øverleir |Camilla Kjerulf Gudem |Christine Bugjerde |Dan Attlerud |Dan Friis Møller |Don Gibson |Eileen Siegel |Eileen Siegl |Einy Lang-Moen |Eivind Aarset |Eskild Sundt-Hansen |Finn Hauge |Finn Ludt |Fredrik Henrik Aase |Gaute Storaas |Geir Olav Bøkestad |Geoff Miles |Håkon Iversen |Hanne Sørvaag |Hans Christian Bruhn |Harald Aadland |Harald Arlen |Håvard Gryting |Ingunn Dalland |Jon Wien Sønstebø |Katarina Milton Almgren |Katharina Hager |Kim Edward Bergseth |Kirsti Andersen |Kirsti Karlsson |Kjetil Bjerkestrand |Lasse Wellander |Levi Hindar |Maren Moesødegård |Marian Lisland |Marianne Bondevik |Marvin Amoroso |Michael Clauss |Michael Pfleghar |Nils Christian Fossdal |Norwegian Radio Orchestra |Ole Herman Huth |Pål Jacobsen |Paul Curtis |Per Hillestad |Per Kristian Indrehus |Per Sæmund Bjørkum |Per Stenseth |Pete Knutsen |Peter Ström |Pierre Delanoe |Rudi Lindt |Runa Berg |Salvatore Cutugno |Saxi Dowell |Serge Gainsbourg |Sigurd Jansen |Sigvald Tveit |Sigvart Dagsland |Steinar Larsen |Svein Therkelsen |Tex Atchison |Thomas Thörnholm |Tim Rice |Tom-Erik Antonsen |Tone Cunningham |Tony Hiller |Trine Lise Aadne |Trond Dagsland Holgersen |Trude Kjellgren |Udo Jürgens |Vegard Johnsen |Wenche Myhre |Wolfgang Hofer

Release date:

EAN : 7033662044115

Cat.No.: GRCD4411

Priskategori : CD

Link til booklet : nedlasting